Smart Chip Cards, How Americans Will Pay in the Future

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Retailers such as Michaels, Niemen Marcus and Target have revealed they were victims of hacker attacks wherein massive amounts of customer data were stolen.
The target breach alone affected 110 million customers which translate to 1 out of 3 Americans.
Sharing information has become common place through the cards we swipe, the multiple times we give out login and passwords, and provide servicers, merchants and agencies with our personal identity.

Holdren's Geoengineering for Non-Existant Global Warning

In an article released in the Council of Foreign Relations Journal by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the organization praised the use of heavy metals into our atmosphere to combat global warming. This reasoning is a hoax, considering that man-made climate change is a lie perpetrated onto the world’s populations by the global Elite and the UN’s IPCC.”

Obama’s Science Adviser Says Chemtrails Will Save the PlanetSusanne PoselOccupy CorporatismApril 30, 2012