Ηρόδοτος, ο "Πατέρας της Ιστορίας"

Ο Πρώτος που Κατανόησε την Αξία 
που έχει για τον Άνθρωπο η Ιστορία

   Ο Ηρόδοτος δεν είναι μόνο ο «πατέρας της ιστορίας», 
αλλά και ο ιδρυτής της γεωγραφίας και ο σπουδαιότερος περιηγητής της αρχαιότητος.  Επειδή δεν γνώριζε τις γλώσσες των ξένων λαών, είχε μαζί του διερμηνείς, αμαθείς ως επί το πολύ, οι οποίοι όμως τον διευκόλυναν κατά κάποιον τρόπο.

Ηροδότου Ιστορίαι
   Α΄ βιβλίο - Κλειώ

   Στο Α΄ βιβλίο, Κλειώ, κάνει μια γενική αναφορά στα αίτια της σύγκρουσης Ασίας και Ευρώπης, θεωρώντας Ευρώπη τον ελλαδικό χώρο. Έπειτα παραθέτει μυθικές αναφορές, αρχίζοντας με τα όσα του είχαν πει Πέρσες λόγιοι και Φοίνικες ιερείς. Ο ίδιος δεν παίρνει θέση σ' αυτά τα μυθικά στοιχεία. 

Survival or Extinction ΙV, Taming the Wolves

Survival or Extinction: Taming the Wolves

December 10. 2013, by Kevin Mugur Galalae

Survival or Extinction, 

The OM Principles versus the Global Depopulation Policy 

part four, Taming the Wolves

In my previous three articles in this series, I have described the reasons why globalization has come to be and the machinations by which it has come thus far. We have seen that:
 (1) monetary coercion has replaced military force after 1945 to ensure that nations can access resources regardless where they are found by purchasing them on the market rather than taking them by force; 
(2) multinational corporations were created to bulldoze their way into national economies and bring capital and know-how to the developing world to hurry their industrialization; 
(3) free trade agreements were signed to destroy the protectionist walls of nation states so as to better access, use, and transfer resources where they are most needed and best put to use without considerations of national discrimination; 
(4) and investment was liberalized to entice common people to put their savings into stocks and bonds so that capital can be transferred from the developed to the developing world and the wealth gap between the West and the Rest closed.

The globalists, in effect, contrary to public opinion, are the Robin Hoods and Johnny Appleseeds of today because they take from the rich and give to the poor and do so on a colossal scale by transferring wealth from the developed to the developing world, and because they plant the seeds of development in the virgin ground of underdeveloped nations whose populations aspire to reach the same living standards as the rich West but who would never be able to catch up without foreign intervention.

Paradoxically, this giant plan to “rob” the West and “give” to the Rest, so as to homogenize wealth worldwide, has required the globalists to concentrate wealth and control over money in fewer hands so it can be easily transferred to the desperate citizens of the developing world over the objections of the frightened citizens of the developed world. That is what billionaires are for and that is what banks are for; the former control this wealth and the latter funnel it abroad. That is why from the perspective of the common man in developed nations globalization is synonymous with theft and desperation, whereas from the perspective of the common man in developing nations globalization is synonymous with charity and hope.

Westerners decry the loss of their wealth and employment opportunities caused by globalization while Southerners complain that they are not receiving enough fast enough.

The globalists however have been trying to make this transfer as painless as possible by removing capital and jobs from the developed world at the same rate as the populations of developed countries plateau and decrease due to covert methods of depopulation employed since 1945. By the same token, globalists have tried to inject enough wealth into developing nations to make a substantial difference and create the basic infrastructure for continued progress. Continued progress, however, depends entirely on the ability of nations in the developing world to halt and reduce their populations as they pursue prosperity through industrial progress and their citizens come ever closer to the same consumption levels as Westerners.

It is a tightrope balancing act of global proportions that has never been attempted and that is being performed without a safety net. If the balance is lost we will all fall and die. For us all to reach the end of the rope that spans this abyss we must hold hands and not let go of the chain of dependence we have created. If one link is broken the entire line will snap and we will all fall. But once we all make it to the other side of the abyss – that is to say from a world divided into nation states to a world united – we can all rest again on firm ground. For the time being we are all suspended over the abyss.

The process of crossing from one side to the other has come to an impasse because the population of the developing world is still growing too fast and absorbing the West’s capital with a voracious appetite and with too many mouths to feed. As a result, everyone’s slice of the pie is getting thinner, even though the pie we bake is larger than ever before and requires more natural resources than ever before to bake, and even though we share it better than ever before. If the slice of the pie gets too thin for too many people there will be a stampede and the fine balance that barely keeps us on the tightrope will be broken.

To make sure the slice of the pie does not get too thin, the depopulation effort has kicked into high gear and we are now trimming the global population at both ends of life, by preventing new births and accelerating death. And the trimming is particularly needed in the developing world where 90% of global population growth over the past half century has occurred. This means that now, unlike in the past, it is not only our prosperity but our very survival that depends on our ability to stop the population explosion.

Globalization, therefore, is not a plan to steal concocted by a few but a plan to survive devised and carried out by the entire international community. The reason they won’t tell us what the plan is and how they intend to accomplish it, is because the plan has elements that are incredibly cruel, deeply offend our values and norms, and bypass all legal and moral impediments.

The plan requires that we cooperate and collaborate globally despite our differences, which calls for tolerance; that we accept taking from the mouths of our children to share with total strangers at the other end of the globe, which demands selflessness; that we poison ourselves to infertility and in the process sicken our children and lower the genetic and intellectual endowment of humanity, which demands infanticide; and that we artificially shorten the lifespan of our elders because we cannot afford to keep them alive and idle for decades and waste resources that are needed elsewhere, which demands cruelty.

Our leaders believe we cannot handle the truth and that if told we would panic and fall off the rope. They believe we lack the courage to keep our heads, the strength to make sacrifices, and the intelligence to comprehend why it is necessary. They believe we are incapable of holding on to one another and staying on the rope if we are allowed to gaze into the abyss. They believe we are bigots and that we will push each other into the abyss in the false belief that we can save ourselves at the cost of others. They believe we are cowards and lack what it takes to walk on the edge of darkness. But are we weak, bigoted, greedy cowards?

I believe they are wrong. I believe they underestimate us. I believe they belittle us. I believe they discount the greatness of the human spirit, the enormity of our love for our children, the compassion in our hearts, the purity of our instincts and the strength of our consciences which make us human and humane. It is because I believe in our greatness that I know we have what it takes to make it to the other end of the rope with our eyes open and our hearts in sink.

We are not a herd of animals and cannot be treated as such. We are higher beings and we are ready to act as such. If only given the chance.

The OM Principles are the chance we need. They are the plan and the solution. They are the truth and the sacrifice. And so we come to the third OM principle, which shows us how to tame the wolves in us so we can share the pie and not tear each other to pieces.

Principle 3:  
Industrial  Cooperation  not  Predatory  Competition 

Sustainable development and collaborative and cooperative industrial and agricultural activity will replace the destructive development and predatory and competitive practices of today. Corporate entities too big to fail will be broken up or dissolved and industrial production will be duplicated from region to region to be run independently and locally, free of monopolies and in the spirit of cooperation and sharing and not with the goal of destroying the competition and increasing market share. 

No more too big to fail and no more predatory practices that drive employment conditions and wages down by pitting workers in the developing world against workers in the developed world and make life unbearable for the working man and employment unstable.

This third principle shows us how to create a society of inclusion from an economy of exclusion.

In an economy of exclusion, economic hardship does the killing. Economic hardship is growing within the developed world because our wealth and jobs are being expropriated, and within the developing world because their population is still growing at a time when we have reached the limits of nature.

As with everything else we do at this point in history, the success of this principle hinges on halting the population explosion and diminishing our numbers. We can only create a society of inclusion if there is enough to share without having to subject ourselves to universal privation. People are only willing to share a shrinking pie for so long. Everyone however can share a growing pie in perpetuity.

It is easy to share when your slice is growing from year to year, as that kind of sharing leads to prosperity and abundance and that makes the sacrifice worthwhile, which leads to peace. It is impossible to share when your slice is shrinking from year to year, as that kind of sharing leads to poverty and want and that makes the sacrifice worthless, which leads to conflict. 

 To break the cycle of misery and poverty that is forcing us to share a shrinking pie, we must reduce our numbers and so find ourselves in a position where we only have to share a growing economic pie, which inevitably leads to abundance.

The globalists have done what they could to break the cycle of misery and poverty that humanity has struggled to escape from since we were kicked out of the Garden of Eden. They can come no further by their methods; not unless, that is, we are willing to let them terminate our genetic lines by allowing them to shut down our ability to procreate and in the process rob us of all our rights and liberties, of our health, and of our children. 

 It is therefore up to us now to break out of the cycle of misery, ensure the continuation of our lineages, advance civilization and save the planet; all being indispensable components of what it takes to survive.

To accomplish this we must evolve to a higher level of thinking that in turn will enable us to selflessly cooperate rather than continuing to selfishly compete.

Disclaimer: The views expressed on this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of this publication.

(Part one: Life or Death; Part two: Follow the Money; Part Three: Need not Greed)
