Can We Do The World Better ?

10 Shocking Events 
That Our Society 
Accept As Normal

Why We Accept Them As Normal ?

We prioritise money and the economy over bacics like air, water and food quality, our community and environment.

We use economic trading system that facilitatew the death of millions of people every year.

We divide the world'w land into sections, then fight over who owns those sections.

We call some people 'soldiers', whish makes it OK for them to kill other people.

We torture and kill millions of animals every day needlessly for food, clothing and experiments.

We send children to school for their entire chilhood to memorise facts and skills that they will rarely use.

We impose financial pressures on parents, causing them to miss out on vital stages of their child's development.

We have thousands of religions, each one believing that their god or 'god story' is the only true and unique version.

Love and compassion, which promote life, are mocked aw facile, whereas war, which harms life, is seen as honourable.

Anyone with a really useful invention can forcibly prevent otherw from using or modifying it. 


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